I was thinking where to put my portfolio, at first, I signed up at deviantart but later on, changed my mind. So I just decided to create a new blog for my portfolio.:D Note that this is for viewing pleasure only. If you want one of my works, please let me know and credit me. :) Thanks. Please respect copyrights.
First off, let's start with the buttons :p I make really few buttons.
These are the two buttons I made for my current layout on my site.
This one was made for my previous layout. :D
This one was just... well nothing really. Just experimenting and trying out the Adobe. I was on a tutorial website when I made this.
Banners. :pA banner I made for my first ever layout on my blogspot.
I made this for Angel on her birthday. :)
A banner for my First Year section's site.
Experimenting Adobe. :)
I made this one for my brother. It's supposed to be his signature on a forum of Ragnarok. :) But then, I never got to finish it. :p
Still experimenting Adobe. :)
My first ever blend. :) I'm proud of this. :)
Two Harry Potter blends that
Camae requested me to do. :)
My image signature on E*tcetera Forum. You want to join? Haha. Just click the E*tcetera Forum name. xD.
My name! LOL. Experimented with Adobe. xD
Layouts I made.I didn't use this one on my blog. I was just bored. xD Version 2.
This was the version 1. xD Can you believe? ICEY TEARS? LOL.
Pretty Star! Hehe. I saw the tutorial @ Peachie.nu and it's cool! :D
I can't believe that this layout is still on my Documents. This was ages ago. But didn't use it on my AsianAvenue page. Yeah, that's where I first started blogging and learned webdesigning. That was the year 2001 I think. :D
That's what boredom does to me. LOL.
Illumination of the oblivion skies? Hehehe. It's kinda cute, eh? Well for me it is. :D
I think this was my 2nd layout on Asianavenue.com. Dude, I made this not in Adobe, not in Paint Shop pro but I don't know the program. Just saw the program on the computer. Neat. :D
Layout on my First Year site. This was the first version. :D
My 1st EVER LAYOUT!!! Of course, it was ages ago. Back in 2001. I can't believe I made this one. I mean, it's pretty neat. You know those boxes? Those were just lines! I made that a box. Cuz I think there were no rectangle shapes dun sa program na yun. WOW. :D
Layout made for me. lol. tru_flip_angel@aa.com. Pretty cool. It's cute! Si Mashimaro! xD
Alone in the dark. You want this? Email me! LoL.
1st version of my Evanescence layout for the month of May.
I chose between this and that above. Spot the difference? Hehe. I chose this one. Check out my site.
I had the blend so I made it a layout. :D
A layout made of brushes! LOL. This was the first time I downloaded the brushes at Vbrush, I think? or was it Truly Sarah? Can't Remember. LoL.
Version 2 of dead.as.hell. Made this for my friend, Gwen.
Version 1. :D
I made this layout for my brother and his gf's site. :D
He didn't like this one cuz he said it looks like a poster. LOL.
I love this layout. I'm gonna use this maybe next year by summer. Hehe. Didn't got a chance to use it. :D
My previous layout. Layout for April 2005. :D
Layout I made but never used it. It's supposed to be a desktop wallpaper you know. LoL.
Blends, Image Editing and Stuff.My 2nd fartwork for Saab.
Sincerity 2004-2005. :D 2nd version. Lol. It's pretty neat. But hey, I wrote that. Lettering. Hehe.
First version. :D Cross-hatched.
Made this one last Christmas-- Christmas of 2004. I was sad then. Cuz we're not complete that time. Imagine, me, my mom and dad spent Christmas together without my brothers? SUCKED! I hope hindi to ganto ngayong 2005.
Edited the image of me and nancy. :D
Edited the background of my picture. :D
I call this, BLUE SPIKE! Made this using JASC Paint Shop Pro.
Edited the picture of Aiji, Francel, Ate AM, me, and myca. :D I call this, RARE FRIENDS I WILL ALWAYS TREASURE. We're like at space! :D Love this!
Ayumi Hamasaki. Colored pinky version. Hehe.
Ayumi Hamasaki. Blue Version.
My bro and ate Therese[his gf].
Made this for Pau's birthday last May 7, 2005.
1st fartwork for Saab. She requested me to change her picture. LoL. This was the edited one. I erased the 1st one.
Image blending of me!
It kinda look old right? But it's pretty cool!
Made this using brushes.
A blend I made. Actually, it came from the tutorial of xdiorangelx. I just followed the instructions of blending it. And it kinda looked close like hers.
Avril blend. My 2nd blend. I don't really like it. LoL.
Violet Ray Grid. :D Still Experimenting with Adobe.
I like this one. I call this Patch Wheat Work. LoL.
I call this Blue Tattoo. Just messin' around Adobe. It looks like a tattoo dba? Pwede naman dba? Hehe.
Blue. :D I like this.
Aiji, Me and Francel's picture edited. :D
Pure Instinct. :D Edited the background. :D
It looks like a poster. Pretty cool.
A birthday gift I made for Ate AM! :D
charlene @ 7:45 PM
let me go.